Thursday, October 18, 2012


Take a moment to notice the beauty of the trees. Sit and take a look at the dancing leaves. Note the little child luaghing, playing with a toy. Always so full of energy; Humongous amounts of joy. Dont crush the insects who are 1/1000ths of your weight. They may creep up your path, but dont decide there fate. Lifes not about avoiding storms. Instead, dance in the rain. The earth is so beautiful; Why must we cause its pain? Take time off your busy schedule to glance at the starry night. Because nature is genius. So preety such a sight!
-Mirranda A
 This poem is about nature. How its amazinlgy beutiful and how every single thing about it is incridble. This poem is telling us to take a moment of are time and just listing. Listing to the wind blowing listing to the animals. Take a moment and look at the beauty of the world.
This poem remindes me of Christopher McCandles because of the love he had for nature. Esent that why he started hes intire trip? He loved it so much he risked hes life. He saw the true beauty of nature.

When you think of letting go you think of loss
This is not always the case
When you let go of your childhood you You become an adult but will always have memories of that childhood you let go When you let go of fears, you Gain the confidence and the strength to take on the world in front of you When you let go of bad habits you gain the knowledge of knowing that you
Can do anything you put your mind to.
-Mona Palacios

This peoms means that leting go dosent mean when someone dies. There are many diffrent ways of letting go. Leting go can change who you are thats what this poem is saying.
This poem remindes me of christopher because to go go on his trip he needed to let go. He had a whole life ahead of him but he let it all go to to do what he truly wanted to do.

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